Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's been a great summer

I can't believe summer is almost over. Here in Oregon the weather has been crazy.One week it's in the 70's then the 100's.We even went down into the 60's for a few days last week.
I have been working on lots of new things. I am really getting into the vinyl deals. I have been on Etsy bidding on custom orders. I have found that I can usually get a couple of orders a week that way. My Artfire shop has been pretty quiet lately. I havent been adding new things either as I have been so busy with the custom orders.I have no orders to work on so I will be filling Artfire with some new things.
I learned how to take one of my line drawings and turn it into a scaleable vector graphic, so, now I can do my own designs and totally custom decals.I love the idea of being able to design my own stuff.I did a hibiscus for a trial run and it turned out great. I put up a picture of it. I am also doing the family decals you see on the rear car windows. I'm not that fond of the stick figures so I love the fact that a family requested a skull family! My Daughter has a frog family. The designs are limitless now.
Along with doing the decorative decals I have done several rear window advertisements. One even went overseas to Scotland for a dog walikng service! That was exciting for me.